Footballs with a pile of money on the line

Entrepreneurship Is Like Being A Pro Athlete

Entrepreneurship is like being a professional athlete, with an important difference…

It’s the Holiday Season, and you can spend your whole day being a sports spectator. Whether your favorite sport is football, basketball, hockey, curling, or something else, you never have to leave the comfort of your couch to watch other people show off skills and physical traits that few people have. You gotta envy the dedication those athletes have to their profession–they earn their fame and fortune.

Similarly, you are always using the products and services of other companies, enjoying the fruits of their ideas as a spectator to their prowess. The difference is that you don’t have to be 6-foot-6, weigh 240lbs, or be able to skate backwards at speed in order to participate in entrepreneurship. You can to be an important, contributing, and envied member of the economy by having your own company that delivers valued products and services to eager customers.

Being an entrepreneur sometimes seems like a lot of hard work–but the rewards of your dedication to your profession can also be significant. Choose to be a participant in Entrepreneurship. And those pro athletes will envy you–especially when they get injured!


Entrepreneurs are going to save the world, and Argent Place® Law wants to help. Whether you are ready to start your own company now, or you are expanding your business, or you’re getting ready to sell your business, Argent Place Law can help. Think how great it will be to have a lawyer with entrepreneurial experience on your speed dial whom you can call up and say, “I want to start a new company to deliver the best damn widget the world has ever seen! What do I do next?” Schedule an appointment, or just call Argent Place Law to find out: 703-539-2518.