Do You Need A Business Degree To Own A Business
Learning is the second principle of being an entrepreneur. It’s the “L” in I-L-P (Independence-Learning-Productivity).
So you think you don’t know what you need to know to be your own boss? Do NOT go to school (again). You definitely don’t need a business degree to own a business! In fact some of us believe that getting a business degree can be counter-productive to being an entrepreneur. But in fact you don’t need any degree to run your own company. What you do need is a desire to learn. Yes, owning a business requires a lot of knowledge, but there’s never been a better time to learn everything you need to know. Every step to success is posted somewhere online. And there are a lot of professionals out there to help you.
You know whether you have a desire to learn. And if you do, you can’t help yourself. You must have your own company. Just get started and take it step by step.
It’s not as hard as you might think to get started. Check it out at
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