How To Develop A Corporate Vision Statement

What’s Your Vision? People who have a vision get up every morning thinking, “What must I do today to make my vision a reality?” They have purpose. It’s a cool way to live. So you want to be a visionary. You want to develop a corporate vision statement.

Here’s the thing about corporate vision statements: The effective ones are bigger than the founder or the company itself. But merely being big is not enough. It has to be something that other people might buy into. Something that you believe will be a good outcome for society in general.

A vision that says “To be the best lawyer in America” just would not make me want to even want to get out of bed. Let alone excite anyone else.

So my vision is that “There is an entrepreneur in every household.”

Of course, not everyone else cares about that. But maybe someone else might. At least it’s not self-serving. And I truly believe the world will be better if my vision becomes a reality.

So try it out. What’s your vision? Post it on social media. See if anyone else buys in.

You don’t have your own company yet? Well it’s not hard to get started. Check it out at


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