The Goal Of Every Entrepreneur: Be More Productive
The principles of an entrepreneur are I-L-P. The “P” is for Productivity. Truly, the goal of every entrepreneur is to be more productive.
Sure, you desire Independence, and you love Learning, the “I” and “L” in I-L-P. But those are means, not the end. The idea behind entrepreneurial productivity is that you convert your ideas into products and services that customers want to pay you for. How great is that!
Productivity isn’t hard, it’s fun! You know whether you are driven to it. And if you are, you can’t help yourself. You must have your own company. Your productivity is unleashed when you control your own time, decide what projects to work on, engage customers on your terms, organize resources to address market needs.
There’s never been a better time to be productive. Just start. And take one step at a time.
Getting started on your own business is not as hard as you might think. Check it out at
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