Contracts & Relationship Management in Centreville VA

Contracts Define Virginia Business Relationships

Argent Place makes sure those relationships in Virginia are well defined

Contracts are the single most important document that can make or break a business. There are hundreds of relationships a business in Virginia may be required to manage at one time: relationships with employees, independent contractors, vendors, customers, landlord, investors, and even banks and other financial institutions. Every one of these relationships is a contract that your business law firm, or general legal counsel, should draft or review to make sure it is in your best interest and fits with your company’s overall objectives and operates within the given laws of your jurisdiction.

A good general legal counsel manages these relationships in a proactive way. In order to be proactive, your legal counsel will take the time to fully understand your business and provide valuable business counsel outside of just filling in blanks on standard templates.

Argent Place Law supports you and your relationships through contract negotiations by giving you a clearer picture of the relationship being proposed. In addition, Argent Place Law works directly with you to understand some of the most missed and most crucial section of a contract: the terms and termination section.

Argent Place Law Solutions in Virginia

Argent Place Law provides service and expertise in the critical areas of legal business counseling, including:

Legal Counsel in Virginia

Regular Strategic Planning sessions
Suport you in negotiations with customers who want to change your basic customer contract
Apprise you of risky and unfair terms
Propose alternative language and negotiating points
Review contracts you have been asked to sign and alert you to problems
Managing business disputes, pre-litigation negotiations
Buy-Sell agreement among owners
Financing and commercial lease agreements
Tax-free reorganizations for moving your company from one state to another
Stock options and phantom stock

Employment Agreements in Virginia

Letter offers of employment that preserve “at will” employment status
Employment contracts with key employees, enforceable non-compete agreement
Employment contracts for term with incentives for key employees
Employee handbooks and company policy handbooks
Deferred compensation plans

Customer Relationship Management in Virginia

Contract templates for customers, and custom contracts when needed
Draft customer contract templates that protect your interests and are enforceable

Government Contracts in Virginia

Teaming agreements for preparing government contract proposals
Reviewing government contracts, especially to protect intellectual property rights

Expected Results:

You can expect the best when working with Argent Place to manage your business relationships in Virginia:
Incentivized parties that yield better performance
Allocated risk to the parties who are best able to manage the risks and that of misuse to the customer
Knowledge of and management of risks within your business relationships
Long term partnerships and healthy relationships
Managed expectations from all relationships, especially those from your customers.
Minimized risk from the IRS declaring an independent contract to be a de facto employee
Offers to prospective employees made with the confidence that your interests are protected
Protection of your intellectual property
Confidence that your customer contracts are enforceable when one of your customers breaches it
Knowledge & and confidence about the contracts you sign

It’s time you had your own business lawyer.

Schedule an appointment to learn how Argent Place Law’s General Legal Counsel services in Virginia can help you reach your business goals faster.

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