Copyright protects original works of authorship from unauthorized copy, display, distribution, performance and derivative works. Works of authorship including literary works such as books, articles, manuals, websites, photographs, advertising copy, and audiovisual creations like videos, podcasts and webinars. In order to defend a copyright in court the work must be registered with the Copyright Office, and early registration of creative works provides for quicker and easier response to infringement.
How it creates value:
- Content on your website establishes your company as a credible leader in your markets.
- Training manuals that you share with clients add value to your services and products.
- Your brand messaging is reinforced by advertising copy, radio and TV spots, your website.
- Books and articles, podcasts, and webinars can be revenue sources
The Argent Place Solution:
Argent Place Law provides these services and others to assist clients in creating value through copyrightable works:
- Submit your works for copyright registration
- Buy, sell assign, transfer or will copyrighted works
- License copyrighted works to independent sales reps and distributors
- Send cease and desist letters to infringers
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