Trademark Registration Application in Tysons Corner VA

We Simplify Trademark Registration in Tysons Corner

Argent Place Law makes your trademark application simple, fast and budget friendly. As you may know, a trademark protects brand names and logos used on goods and services. When trademarks look similar, convey a similar general meaning, produce the same mental reaction , or may be spelled differently but sound alike, it makes it difficult for the consumer to differentiate the products and services. The Trademark Office is deigned to assist in distinguishing products in services within the United States and protects companies that were first to market their services in the states. The process is not simple an can take a full year or more to file. After the application is submitted, it is reviewed by the trademark office, open to the public so anyone who claims they were to market first has an opportunity to appeal your application, and is then registered in public file before you receive your application after 90 days of the initial filing.

Trademark lawyers in Tysons Corner at Argent Place Law help to simplify the process three ways:

  • Reduces the likelihood of rejection- Most applications are rejected for several reason as explained on the trademark office’s website. The work it takes to complete the application properly takes a particular level of expertise and knowing the legal language and details of requirements to reduce the likelihood of rejection.
  • Reduces time spent on the process- Argent Place process will write a legal description of your goods/services, ID the class, prepare and file your application. Argent Place does every step for you which saves you time that you can use to focus on your business.
  • Saves you additional dollars- if your application receives any office actions, it can cost you an additional $50/ office action which are only sent one at a time. Because we know the law and the process, we save you the time and money associated with office actions.

We charge a fee of $1,257 to include attorney fees and government filing fees. In the case your application is denied for any reason by the examining attorney we will argue the matter for a fee of $500.00

The Trademark Registration Process via Argent Place:

  1. Fill out application on the next page
  2. Read the engagement letter and submit minimum payment of $1,275.00
  3. Wait 5-7 business days for an email from [email protected] with a summary of your trademark process.
  4. If you elect to add any additional classes, update your payment and approve the final application.
  5. Wait approximately 3 weeks to receive communication from United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).
  6. During the next 30 days, your application will be reviewed and monitored for any office actions.
  7. After the application is finalized it is submitted to a public registry for another 30-60 days.
  8. As long as there are no appeals to your application, you should receive your certificate within the 90 days of the initial filing.

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