Virginia LLC Formation
Virginia LLC formation is the process of formally creating a limited liability company (LLC) under Virginia law. It is important to understand Virginia LLC formation and how it’s different from Virginia Corporation formation
Virginia LLCs provide limited liability, management flexibility and tax efficiencies to both domestic and non-U.S. owners of business and real estate ventures. After forming a Virginia limited liability company , it is important to follow all required formalities for maintaining limited liability status in Virginia and other jurisdictions where applicable. which is where Argent Place Law can help!
When completing Virginia LLC formation forms, it is recommended to use an experienced Virginia Legal Document Assistant or a Virginia Notary Public to help you ensure all requirements are when forming your company, which is where Argent Place Law can help!
We are available to assist you with your Virginia LLC formation needs. Please contact us for more information or give us a direct call at (703) 539-2518.