Argent Place Law supports entrepreneurs like you, because entrepreneurs will save the world. By making newer, better, and cheaper goods and services, you are creating the wealth that everyone else consumes. Then by working really hard to sell to people across the street and around the globe, you are forging relationships across legal and cultural boundaries, bringing everyone closer together. And Argent Place Law wants to be part of that by being your Legal Business Counselors. Let us focus (so you don’t have to) on using the law to protect your ideas and manage your business relationships. You can save the world, and we can help.
Talk to us, we can help. Call Now (703)539-2518
Argent Place Made Business Easy!
The workshop provided tremendous value because it was highly informative, well conducted by an expert in the field and relatively inexpensive compared to other organizations who would offer to help you (I checked with several to validate pricing). Michael demystified a government process that most of us (including myself) would not likely tackle because of the belief that it would be overly bureaucratic & complicated. Great value.
Everyone in business or is thinking of starting a business needs to attend this workshop…. Michael Mort delivered an excellent, engaging, and informative presentation. The other guests in the room all agreed that he helped save a lot of time in the process. I highly recommend attending this workshop and am proud to endorse Argent Place Law.
Now I can get my business running!
I took the Seminar and could not believe all that I learned and registered my trademark right there, that day. Dr. Mort was gracious with his time and knowledge. Teaching the class the reasons the PTO considers one request over another.
Michael Mort is an incredible person and well as a great business attorney for entrepreneurs. I highly recommend you consult with him BEFORE you enter into any binding contract.
If you are looking for a business attorney who always has the best interest of his customer in mind, then you need to look no further than Michael Mort….an attorney with integrity.
Michael is an attorney you can love…meaning he focuses on helping business owners like myself navigate the murky world business law. In particular, I depend on Michael for his expertise in Trademark law. His understanding of the law is deep and wide, making trademark law understandable to the average person. I highly recommend Michael as a trademark and general business attorney.
For my business, Michael has helped me stay focused on our business imperatives, rather than getting buried in the minutiae of daily operations.
More importantly, Michael has proved time and time again, I can trust him with my best interests. That is invaluable to a small business.
Working with Argent Place has been a great experience! Michael has provided exceptional experience on legal matters that have allowed my business to move in the right direction. As an entrepreneur, legal matters can be overwhelming, however, Michael has taken those burdens away. My high level of trust is equivalent to the high level of service provided by Argent Place.
You all are truly awesome!