Doing Business-Website Legal Issues

Doing Business-Website Legal Issues

website legal issues


Your website is an important marketing medium, and may be your product delivery mechanism. It can also be the source of many legal headaches. You must choose a domain name that doesn’t infringe someone’s trademark. You may hire people to develop and manage the site and add content to it. Perhaps you will capture customer personal information, expose your intellectual property to the possibility of copying, and engage visitors interactively. All of these activities require planning and good contract language to protect your interest while safeguarding your customers’ privacy.

The Argent Place solutions include:

  • Secure trademark on your logos and taglines
  • Work made for hire contracts
  • Write a website Disclaimer, Terms of Use, and Privacy Statement

Expected Results:

  • Reduce risk of infringing someone else’s trademark.
  • Preserve your interest in copyrighted material through
  • Manage users’ expectations and protect you from risks due to misuse of your website

Featured Content:

Available Brand Names: A Trap?

Memorable Brand Names And Trademark

Terms Of Use For Your Website

Disclaimer, or Terms of Use, or Privacy Policy?

Is Your Website Disclaimer Enforceable?